Where Ummahaat become haafidhaat


وَهُوَ أَيْضًا حِلْيَةُ التِّلَاوَةِ وَزِينَةِ الأَدَاءِ وَالقِرَاءَة
And it (tajweed) is also a beautification of recitation * And an adornment of pronunciation and reading
-- Jazariyyah

Female Instructors

Trained and certified

Affordable tuition

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Structured, Affordable Learning
At UMMI, students are offered a straightforward approach to learning. UMMI advisors work closely with each student to customize both academic and financial agendas and ensure an optimum learning experience each year, be’ithnillah.
Qualified, Salafi Instructors
We have an intimate team of qualified, salafi instructors to teach the lessons. All instructors are certified in their field and proficient in the recitation of the Qur’an. Experience is key and our staff has spent years instructing children, seniors, and students all across the world to read and perfect their recitation of the Qur’aan.
Flexible Schedules
We aim to make online learning even more flexible! With international instructors, memorization classes range from morning to evening allowing students to pick the best time for their studies.
Engaging Academic Platform
The UMMI school portal is an online campus which provides students the opportunity to discuss academic issues, receive tutoring, connect with classmates, complete extra credit, and have virtual access to their instructor(s) throughout the week. Through social events, leadership opportunities, educational workshops, and personal advising, we offer a variety of services and programs for students to reach their utmost potential in their studies, beithnillaah.

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