Job Title
  • Nooraaniyyah Teacher
  • Beginner Qur’aan Teacher
  • Intermediate+ Qur’aan Teacher
  • Tajweed Rules  Teacher (Beginner to Advanced)
Days per weekDays and length of lessons vary.

General Descriptions

  • Beginner Qur’aan Teacher, Intermediate+ Qur’aan Teacher: Enhance Quranic pronunciation and aid in the memorization of the Qur’aan in accordance to individual levels; Assign memorization and revision assignments; Assess performance by giving tests; Participate in training sessions and staff meetings while furthering knowledge in your field.
  • Tajweed Rules Teacher, Nooraaniyyah Teacher: Create and lead daily lesson plans as relevant to subject matter, making adjustments when needed; Assign work by means of worksheets, reports, projects, homework etc.; Assess performance by grading work and giving tests; Participate in training sessions and staff meetings while furthering knowledge in your field.

Education, Experience, Skills, and Certifications Requirements

  • Degree or certification in field of education (optional)
  • Ijaazah in recitation of Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim (preferred)
  • Ijaazah or previous study of Tuhfatul Atfaal or Al Jazariyyah poem (preferred)
  • Memorization of the entire Qur’aan (intermediate+ Qur’aan position, preferred for remaining positions)
  • Ijaazah or thorough study of Nooraaniyyah (Nooraaniyyah position and preferred for Island Kindergarten position)
  • Thorough study of Tajweed Rules of the Qur’aan series (Tajweed Rules series position)
  • Complete memorization of at least Juz Amma, Juz Tabaarak, and Juz Qad Sami’a
  • Recent teaching experience in tajweed and or Qur’aan, coursework, or other activities
  • Teaching credentials appropriate for the level of students being taught
  • Familiarity with PC and Apple as well as assistive technologies such as the internet, email systems, and word processing software. 
*Addendum  Teachers may also request or be offered the ability to enter our teacher’s program (when available) or attend any of our courses for free as an alternative payment.
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