Congratulations to Umm Raafiq for extracting the most examples of idhar from Surah Al Inshiqaaq! Allaahumma Baarik and great work to all participants, maashaaAllaah; May Allaah place it on your scale of good, aameen!
Congratulations to Umm Raafiq for extracting the most examples of idhar from Surah Al Inshiqaaq! Allaahumma Baarik and great work to all participants, maashaaAllaah; May Allaah place it on your scale of good, aameen!
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Welcome to Term 2!
We’re so happy to share the accomplishments of some of our term 1 students and look forward to many new milestones ahead, inshaaAllaah.
May Allaah grant everyone success, aameen!