
Admission Policy

Potential enrollees must contact the school with their full name, email, WhatsApp number, along with their program of interest to be placed on the registration list. Applicants may be requested to book an appointment for an interview and entrance assessment. The assessment, whether taken live or independently, will consist of simple tests in reading, writing, memorization, and Tajweed to determine the applicant’s academic level. In addition, applicants may be asked concerning their individual goals in alignment with the Institute.

A $25 individual enrollment fee will be collected prior to commencement. (This fee is also applicable to returning students at the commencement of each academic year.) An additional $15 fee will be added for every additional person on the payment plan. Post enrollment, students will be placed on a four-week probation to observe their academic performance and conformity with the school’s policies. Failure to meet expectations will result in a registration drop.

Pending applications may be accepted for future semesters. Reasons for deferring an applicant’s registration includes:
  • Age
  • Class Capacity
  • Level of Discipline
Students will be selected from the waiting list by order of request. The registration form should be submitted as soon as possible to receive the earliest attention
Ummi Admission Policy

Ammended :

July 1, 2024


If you have any questions regarding our policies or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you and ensure a positive and productive educational experience.

WHEN : 2024-10-03 14:30:00
WHERE : Main Auditorium

Island Nooraaniyyah Course

The Island Nooraaniyyah Course is designed to deepen students' Qur'anic recitation skills with a focus on Tajweed. This course is ideal for those who wish to enhance their Qur'anic reading and understanding. The Island Nooraaniyyah course is every thursday from october 3rd, at 2:30pm USA EST.
Term 2


Welcome to Term 2!

We’re so happy to share the accomplishments of some of our term 1 students and look forward to many new milestones ahead, inshaaAllaah.

May Allaah grant everyone success, aameen!